New security system in road transport.

“Number of authorization certificates Articulated truck, truck and bus transporters receive according to the domestic and foreign branches of activity will be reduced from 53 to 13,” said Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Arslan.
Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Ahmet Arslan stated that the govenment was preparing an important regulation to discipline the highways, "The highways will be more secure with the new sytem which will close the security gaps on the highways and register all kinds of passengers and load," he said.
Minister Arslan told about the "Transportation Electronic Tracing and Monitoring System" (U-ETDS) which will monitor passenger, cargo and goods transportation on highways.
Stressing that the highways will be disciplined with the new system in which details of vehicles which carry passengers, cargo and load from the point they depart to the route they will use, amount of load they carry, number of passengers and their destination will be notified before they set off, "Highways will become more secure with the new system which will close the security gaps on the highways, register all kinds of passengers and load." said Arslan.
Arslan, pointed that it will be possible to access the data of the sector real time and correctly for the first time and siad that it will be possible to make future planning based on instant sharing of these and data analyses.
"Prototype work of the system has started"
Stating that a regulation related to the monitoring the movements of passengers, cargo and goods was prepared for the first time in Turkey with U-ETDS, Arslan said that the Project was started by the data processing directorates by receiving the views of both the sector and the stakeholders and the first prototype studies had been made. Drawing attention to the fact that all vehicles which carry passengers, cargo and load from the point they depart to the route they will use, amount of load they carry, number of passengers and their destination will be monitored the moment they set off with the new regulation which is also important in terms of national security, "Details such as the route the vehicles will use, amount of load they carry, number of passengers and their destination will be in the system in real time. In the case of a possible suspicion or detection of a problem with the vehicle, information of the vehicle will also be shared with the security and intelligence units," said Arslan.
"Number of documents will decrease from 53 to 13"
Stating that authorization documents for passenger and load transportation from A1 to T3 will also decrease, Arslan said that the number of documents Articulated truck, truck and bus companies will have to obtain according to their domestic and foreign activity branches would be decreased from 53 to 13. Arslan drew attention to the fact that they ensured issuing of K and G authorization documents, given to real persons for goods and Cargo transportation via e-State while talking about the activities they performed for more active use of e-State. Stating that already 365 thousand authorization documents have been issued for real persons and this number corresponded to 65 per cent of the number of authorization documents, Arslan, said that the renewal processes of these documents could be made via e-State by persons who do not have criminal record.