Marine sector decreases carbon footprint with green ports

Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Directorate General of Maritime Commerce which rolled up its sleeves for port facilities to be sustainable, took an important step with the “Green Port/Eco Port” Project.
It is stated that 70 per cent of the emissions due to ships are formed within 300 kilometers from the shore and emissions arising from ships and ports affect human health negatively, especially of those who live in coastal cities.
According to research, 19 thousand people throughout the world have lung cancer only due to emissions from ships and ports per year. 60 Thousand people die of various diseases due to these emissions. Many port facilities serve in city centers or near them in Turkey. As a result, pollution, originating from vessel and port operations affect urban life and humanhelath negatively. Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Directorate General of Maritime Commerce which rolled up its sleeves for port facilities to be sustainable, took an important step with the “Green Port/Eco Port” Project. “Green Port / Eco Port” project is imlemented by many port facilities throughout the world and is deemed as an element of reputability and